
Please contact the director to get more information on our tuition rates for 2024-2025 School Year.

Pay tuition

Registration, School Supply Fee & Capital Improvement Fee: $160/school year

Because staff is provided whether your child is here or absent due to illness or vacation, we find it necessary to charge by the month according to the agreed number of days. This allows us to provide a quality program for your child.

Registration: Completed registration forms with an annual nonrefundable registration fee will be due September 1 for all students. Students enrolling after March 1 will be assessed the registration fee for the remainder of the preschool year.

Late Payment: Payments received after the 10th of the month may be assessed a late fee of 1% of the unpaid balance unless prior arrangements have been made.

Returned checks: Bank fees/tuition late fees, plus the amount of the check, will be charged to you and payable either by cash, money order or a newly issued check. After two returned NSF checks, tuition must be paid in cash or money order.

Overtime: There will be a charge for Half day students who do not get picked up by 12:15 p.m. and Full Time children who are not picked up by 5:30 p.m. sharp! This is a penalty, not a service.

Withdrawal: Two weeks prior notice or two weeks tuition is payable upon the child's withdrawal from preschool. A notification period prior to withdrawal is not required if the withdrawal is requested by the preschool.